Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Summer crept into New York City this week- hot, muggy, humid city summer. It burst into my apartment when I opened the window in the morning, it found its way under my shirt as I walked around, and it manhandled my hair throughout the day. And how I loved it! How precious skin looks to me now, after so many months of nothing but noses and fingertips being exposed. The sudden freedom of flip-flops instead of heavy boots, the lightness of shorts instead of tights and pants, the comfort of sweat instead of frostbite; all these are things I am able to appreciate now.

And it seems so clear why summer births romances. Of course it does! There are people outside, sitting on steps, having ice-cream, watching each other, aware of all this sudden skin and heat and desire. Bodies are warm, and so are hearts, and everyone knows it. There will be outdoor movies, concerts in the parks, a full farmer's market, streets crowded with tourists, and people everywhere.

I've always felt winter makes me older; less enthusiastic and more guarded. Summer, on the other hand, seems to bring out my youth and encourage my openness. It's easier to talk to people, it's more fun to walk around, it's full of mischief and leisure. I am reminded of the day before I went on summer vacation at the end of 8th grade, when a girl in my class remarked, "See you in a few months, when we will be changed!" I asked her what she meant, and she said, rather effortlessly, "People change over the summer." I never forgot that, as I saw it establish itself as a truth in my life every year. Every summer has always brought new things into my life, and a new part of myself comes forth.

Yes, summer is here, a new season, a new opportunity to grow. It is warmer, the air is buzzing with desire, and I am lighter. Lighter, but also excited and alive. My passion for life oozes out of me (this is, by far, my favorite euphemism for sweat, feel free to steal it), and I feel ready for anything and everything.

Here we go, summer. I can't wait to see myself in a few months... 

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