Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In ten years...

I have been challenged by fellow blogger to write here about how I see my life ten years from now.

In ten years...

I'm 34, five months away from 35. I love it. I plan a beach trip for my 35th birthday.

I am acting, a lot, in films and plays that I love and that touch people in some way. I am getting paid to act in these beautiful films and plays. I am making a living as an actress and I am loving it. I am playing characters such as Becca in Rabbit Hole, Lizzie in The Respectful Prostitute, Billie in Women of Manhattan, Kat in Dylan, Joyce in Top Girls, Jessie in Night Mother, and many, many more. I am saying something with every project, I am happy with my career. I have worked hard and I am working harder every day, because there's always a new story to tell, and a new set of ears that needs to hear it.

I am involved in some kind of women's movement. Maybe a magazine, or a foundation, or a home, or a theatre company, or a film company, or all of the above! Basically, I am working with women and for women. I will also have either gotten my Ph.D in Women's Studies or am on my way to doing so!

I am still here, blogging, and loving it. Hopefully with more followers, but if not, it's ok. I rather really touch a handful of people than have a thousand readers who retain nothing. I have either published something already or I am in the process of writing something that will get published sometime soon.

I am still in love with cooking, and possibly have done something about it. Say, started some kind of delivery of home-made goodies business, or just planned a regular dinner every thursday night for people I love to eat the food I love making.

I have traveled a lot, I have seen at least ten places I had never seen before, like Iceland, Vietnam, Morocco, South Africa, Russia, Japan, Ireland, and India. I am planning even more trips. I have learned at least one new language really well. Hopefully two.

I have found ways to thank my family, especially my parents, for their love and support through out the years.

I look great. I mean- whoa. I look really great! It's fantastic to be in my 30's! All the yoga and face creams and organic food looks really damn good now. I look beautiful, yes, but because I feel healthy and happy. I am at peace, and it feels amazing.

I am in love. Madly in love and in a committed relationship with a man I have a real, truthful connection with. Someone I can rub my feet on when they get really cold in the middle of the night and he won't question why I don't just put on some socks. Someone I cook for with such joy the food I make seems to smile at us. Someone who wants to go to feminist meetings with me (ok, I know, I'm pushing it... but hey, a girl can dream...) Mainly, someone who holds me but also lets me fly, with love and care.

I think I may have a kid by now, but I actually don't want to predict that, or to predict wanting that. If I am meant to be guiding a precious little soul through this world by now, then I will happily embrace it. If not, then I will embrace whatever other callings life has given me for now.

The essence of all of this is, I am happy, and I am living my dreams and making new ones every day. I feel peaceful, free, successful, and powerful. Life is exciting, and I can't wait to watch the next ten years unfold and continue to reveal to me who I am.


If your name is written below, I challenge you to write a blog post about your vision of yourself in ten years as well.

Gabi S.
Ma N.

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