Since my last post was about my vision of myself in 10 years, it has me thinking of who I was ten years ago as well, and what that version of me wanted me to become, and what she'd say to me now. I decided 14-year-old Larissa and 24-year-old Larissa should meet and have a talk, so I wrote it out, and I used my left hand to write out my younger self's dialogue, since writing with my left hand gets me out of my head and lets that younger me really express herself, and then I replied as myself now, with my right hand. I hope this isn't too confusing. Here it is. I'm calling 14-year-old me by Laly because that was my nickname then, and an appropriate description of who I was as well.
Larissa: Hi, Laly.
Laly: This is kind of odd, I have to say, Larissa.
Larissa: You must think I'm old.
Laly: No, I'm relieved that you don't have pimples and that you're so pretty!
Larissa: You're beautiful. You don't know it yet, but you are.
Laly: People say that all the time. I still wish I was blonde. What happened to your nose? And your boobs?
Larissa: Plastic surgery.
Laly: Oh. Wow. It looks great.
Larissa: It'll hurt.
Laly: I'm afraid of pain.
Larissa: That is still the case.
Laly: Are you an actress?
Larissa: Yes. I am.
Laly: I'm so happy to hear that!
Larissa: You've just played Ophelia, right?
Laly: Yes! Oh my god. I loved it!
Larissa: I know. I still love that memory. You will do a loooot of Shakespeare, honey.
Laly: That's so exciting. So, like, what else have you done?
Larissa: Well, you know that TV show that you're completely obsessed with, Inside The Actor's Studio?
Laly: Yes!
Larissa: Well, I'm just gonna say this: you're going to get a lot closer to it than just watching it on TV!
Laly: Oh my god. Ok. That's amazing. What else? Are you married?
Larissa: (laughs) No, darling. I'm not married. I forgot- you're not a feminist yet. Oh, you're in for a ride. But don't worry, you will love so deeply, and you will be loved just as deeply, and it'll be wonderful. And I'm only 24!
Laly: I think I'm in love now. With two guys.
Larissa: I know. You're going to break both of their hearts. It's ok. Enough people will break your heart later on to make up for it.
Laly: That sounds painful too.
Larissa: It's delicious pain. And it's gonna make you a much better actress.
Laly: Ok. I can live with that. It's really cool seeing you. You seem totally awesome.
Larissa: Hah. Yeah. It's really cool seeing you too. I had forgotten how in love with life you are, how eager you are. How in love with life I am, how eager I am, I should say.
Laly: Well, I'm here to remind you. Always. And can you come by more often to remind me that I'm gonna have clear skin one day and nice boobs and pretty hair?
Larissa: Of course. You won't listen. But I'll try my best. And you should eat more. Your metabolism is really good, eat as much as you want. Diet later in life.
Laly: I'll try to remember that. Oh, and remember that there's nothing more important than integrity in acting. Please don't give in to social pressures, ever.
Larissa: Ok. Thank you for saying that. It's hard, being unemployed most of the time, and wanting people to like you.
Laly: I bet. But we're gonna be ok. I think we're doing really well so far!
Larissa: We are.
Laly: Ok, I gotta go call one of my friends and tell them about this because it's like totally awesome.
Larissa: Go for it! I'm totally posting this on my blog, I think it's amazing to talk to you. Bye for now, darling.
Laly: Bye. Hey, by the way, I'm your biggest fan.
Larissa: I know. And I'm yours.

me at 14 with shahar

me now.
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