Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When You're Hurting Beyond Measure...

Sleep during the day. Stay up all night.

Wear sunglasses in the subway. Blast your ipod until people move away from you.

Drink too much coffee. Don't eat. Eat something bad. Your body will forgive you.

Avoid mirrors.

Wear ugly sweatpants.

Forget to brush your hair.

Keep the curtains closed. Hate the sun. Hate everything that's beautiful.

Pray. Then curse at God. Then pray again. God will understand, She always does.

Spill milk and be too lazy to clean it up.

Stare into space and feel half dead.

Go to the gym and give up after four minutes on the treadmill. Let people wonder.

Check your phone every seven seconds. Check your email every eight seconds. Send test texts to your friends to make sure your phone is working.

Mute every other phone call. Nothing is really ever important.

Watch bad TV. Feel incapable of laughing.

Go outside not wearing enough clothes because feeling cold means you can still feel something.

Write letters and tear them up.

Bite your nails. Even if you never bite your nails.

Drink juice out of the carton. No one will know.

Go do what you have to do, even if you're numb.

Let the dishes pile up.

Don't fold the laundry. Wrinkled clothes work just as well.

Be dramatic. Your friends can put up with it.

Cry at the frozen peas in the grocery store. They can take it.

Hate yourself. Love yourself. Feel stupid. Feel awful. Feel like a piece of shit. Feel okay again.

Stay in the shower too long.

Go to bed. You can never go to bed too much.

Feel everything. This is part of survival. Shut off the brain and go on auto-pilot.

Remember, life goes on. Because it has to.


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