Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are you there God? It's me Margaret.

Well it really is. If you're looking for gossip about puberty or such, read the book. This post, sorry to break it to you, is about God. Or G-d as some like to say. He (or she!) is the same as Allah or Yahweh. I'm going to tell you it straight up, I don't preach. I don't convert. I believe what I believe and let you believe what you do. I don't care if you're Protestant, Jewish, or even Buddhist. I don't care if you have one god or fifty. Your views. Your life. My views. My life. Don't be offended by any of this. I'm not targeting anyone in particular. Yes I am. Who am I kidding. I'm saying please.... Please don't force your views upon me.
Please don't tell me that I'm going to hell.
Please don't pray for me concerning my religious views.
Please don't tell me that my religion is wrong.
Please don't say false things about my religion.
Telling me I'm going to hell because I don't believe what you do doesn't settle well with my fellow baby eaters. Oh yeah. Forgot. We don't eat babies. Or children for that matter.
Telling me that my bible is wrong because it isn't yours and doesn't have a few books just makes me want to burn yours more.
Telling me that God is always right just makes me question your religion more.
Will you gain a convert? No. Not a chance.
I've been having a problem with the views of my religion teacher. He views that his religion is right and all others (including mine) are obviously wrong.
Just because it's a Catholic school doesn't mean that the entire school is Catholic. There's Methodists, Lutherns, Non-Denominationals, Protestants, and even kids who aren't religious at all. Please, before you go preaching to me, consider the fact that I go here because of the quality of education not so that I can be taught your religion. I don't want to follow your Magisterium. Heck, I don't even really care what they are and what they do.
My mom went in and talked to this teacher. Well lets just say it resulted in my mom having a deep conversation with the teacher. None of it concerning the fact that this teacher sits up there and preaches instead of teaches. Two different things, bud. Your preaching tends to offend many of us non-Catholics. I'm not a fan either that my book teaches just how you preach.

I think I'll grab some chocolate and turn on a romance movie. It's been a long day. Thankfully, three day weekend tomorrow. We had a "walk in the woods" or a walk-a-thon to raise money for the school. They still got the money we just don't have to do any walking. They canceled for the weather. 90% chance of rain. That's funny. They didn't seem to see the weather was a problem two years ago when it downpoured all three wet, hilly, slippery and muddy miles. My school waits until 4 a.m. to cancel school for a snow day. It's suprising they'd actually cancel something more than 4 hours in advance.

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