Monday, September 26, 2011


While I should be studying for a religion test, I find there's a lot more interesting things that can be done. Like facebook, blogger, and pinterest. My three loves. I found out that blogger and pinterest aren't blocked on school computers. Woot woot. I spent most of my computer class today on pinterest. Thankfully my computer isn't in a spot where my teacher can see the screen. I can sit mesmerized all class and she doesn't realize a thing. My friend who sits next to me and I always just go down the page veerrrryyy slowly so we don't miss anything. There's a process to it.

Today is not a good day. It's a Monday. The Monday after homecoming means it's even worse. Teachers decide to make up for all the homework they didn't give on Friday. That means I have a lot of homework. I also had an away game. That means I'm sitting up now at 10:00 attempting to focus on  the inspired word of God, literary terms found in the bible, and other confusing terms including allegorical, exegesis and who knows what else. Maybe I should start paying attention in that class...
Nahhhh. I prefer to not have teachers (and text books!) tell me that their religion is right and mine is wrong. No thanks. Not really into that kind of stuff.

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