Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weak Thrust Book Club

Welcome to the Weak Thrust Book Club's inaugural meeting. Here at WTCB we will recommend new books each month that we believe our readership will love. Let's dig in...

Gap's Pick:

Gap says... Yeah, I know the title is decieving, but this is my kind of book. Just pic after pic of sweet kittehs doing sweet kitteh things. Special thanks to Tommy for finally tipping me off to a book without those shitty readin' words.

Brought's Pick:

Brought says... sure, the title says it all. Or does it? The surprise ending is rape! Oops, "spoiler alert" (does actual air-quote motion), the surprise ending is rape.

Jimbo's Pick:
Jimbo says... Obviously everyone expects me to choose American Psycho, but as someone who didn't read it until 2010, I can't say I ever really connected with it. Instead I'll tip my cap to one of the greatest instructional books I've ever masturbated.... er, read. Yes. Read. NO! YOU CAN'T HAVE MY COPY!

/runs off

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