Monday, April 25, 2011

WWE Championship:Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match

Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match Pics

Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match

Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match Pics

Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match Pics

Uundertaker vs Desel Royal Rumble Match Pics

In 1996, the WWE Championship Undertaker was number one contender. That year, the Royal Rumble, Undertaker he once wore a gold when she met Bret Hart had a chance. However, as Hart was pinned Undertaker after a tombstone Piledriver, former champion Diesel interfere, the referee pulled the ring and drawing a disqualification.

Next month, a diesel steel cage match at an event in his home in fighting heart. Diesel as heart rate, broke through the ring, Undertaker, Diesel and seize the heart of the cage to avoid making retain the championship. WrestleMania XII Undertaker and Diesel were on a collision course for a full and Deadman mind games in the weeks prior to the game a life-size one of Wheeling a diesel at the ring during his matches with replication, including full casket played.

WrestleMania, the two men began the match when the controversy began. Undertaker quickly took it to diesel, steel ring steps to send him down and beat your opponent. However, diesel is coming back to the ground after Ropewalk dodge his trademark old school Undertaker would send.

Diesel bout pummeling most of the cost obligations, all get their signatures, but was unable to keep down Deadman. Deadman Bearhugs return after an escape, but could pocket knife power bomb hit for diesel. Deadman planted instead, but with a diesel car chosen her for some punishment, a move that proved his undoing.

Diesel hit a pocket knife, but shrugged and went Undertaker move, much to the disbelief diesel. Undertaker went after the diesel with a vengeance, life, choking his opponent. Undertaker hit a Chokeslam and headstone to meet the three count to get.

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