Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Morning Thoughts (Super Sad Edition)

Well, my uber vacation has finally ended. I'm now in the throes of a horrible bout with depression. I want to set my house, cat, place of employment, and Turd on fire.It's the fucking worst. I hate everything and everyone...especially that Patriots and Steelers.

Once again the Pats get the inside track to another Super Bowl win. Fuck that stupid team. When will their time end? I'm so sick of seeing those smug faggots in the post season. Die Bilbo. Die Hard. No, I don't me kill Alan Rickman...I mean fucking die a horrible and slow death.

Eat a million cocks, Miami. You just had to win that game, didn't you? We lose and we move up the draft! Fucking lose!

My body is still recovering from the beating it took during my vacation. That was a lot of beer, wine and masturbating. Sorry Mr. Liver and Mr. Penis...

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