Monday, January 2, 2012

Camera Strap Cover Tutorial

It's sort of a right of passage. As soon as you get a big, fancy camera, you have to have a cover for the big fancy strap. You can't let it run naked, can you?

I picked up a half yard of fabric and a half yard of fusible interfacing from an extremely over priced store. Even though the fabric was half off and I got the cheapest interfacing I could find, I still walked out of the store 5 dollars poorer.

And look at how great their measuring is. I asked for a half yard of each.
 Okay. Sorry about my rantings. On to the tutorial!
You may need to change around measurements, but I used two pieces that were 2.75 in. by 27 in. I wanted mine to have two sides but you could just do one piece that 5.5 in. by 27 in. The finished strap will be about 23 in. long.
 Sew the two pieces together with the right sides facing each other.
 Iron down the seam flat
 If you want a more stiffer strap, I'd advise using fusible interfacing. I cut a piece that was 5.5 in by 27 in. Due to my little mishap with the fabric store, my piece wasn't long enough so I had to use a long piece and then a short chunk.
 Follow the directions on the interfacing.
 Mine called for another piece of material on top of the interfacing.
 When you've got yours all ironed, you'll probably end up with some edges sticking off like so:
 Just simply trim them off.
 Next, fold the short edges over 1 inch
 And then over again another inch.
 Sew it down.

You can do only one seam. I decided to do two.
 Fold it over, right sides together and sew.
 Trim off the extra seam allowance so it's easier to get on.
 Turn it inside out

 Iron it
  And slide it on! Which is probably the hardest part. And... Wallah! A beautiful camera strap cover.

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