The Interior Illusions lounge served up an Absolut VOM cocktail last night after one of my favorite queens (next to Latrice and Sharon Needles) Willam up chucked and chucked an up all over the side of the stage. (Click here to see Willam's vim show.) Just when I was starting to think that Willam's stomach exploded, because she was so consumed with Pamela Anderson's beautiful eyebrow game that she wanted to empty her body to take in more of Pamela's beauty, some ESCANDALOSONESS happened.
Phi Phi O'Hara and Sharon Needles were both up for elimination, but out of nowhere, RuPaul called Willam up to the front and gently snatched her wig off by telling her that she was disqualified for violating the contract. I felt like somebody snatched my wig off too, because I didn't know there was a contract! I thought the only rules were that your wig can't be higher than Ru's and 99.98% of your body must be covered in make-up (the other .02% must be left open so your skin can breathe, because a queen suffocating on stage is not a good look). No reason was given for Willam getting waved away and LOGO only said that this shit will be addressed during the reunion show. Willam also kept coy during an interview with Entertainment Weekly. But after trolling the comment sections of NewNowNext and Entertainment Weekly for theories and rumors, I'm guessing the reason is one of these:
1. Willam covered her body with fancy shit from Alexander McQueen and Versace, and he might have bought clothes during filming that he wore in challenges. That's a violation, apparently.
2. William blogged during filming and spilled the tea into the ears of her friends before taping ended. That's also a violation.
3. Willam is addicted to Adderall, is bulimic or was taking hormones. Or all of the above.
4. It was discovered that Willam was really Shangela in a Willam skin suit.
It's totally the last one. There's no escaping Hallelu!
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