Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Over Ann Out?

Where there’s smoke...there should be a nice a burger on a grill, but when it comes to the Today show, it often means something’s up with one of the members of America’s First Family.

For a while now we have been hearing that the powers that be over at NBC have been wanting to replace Ann Curry as co-host of the morning show, just a bit more than a year after she took over after Meredith Vieira left the show.

They’re reportedly not too keen on the lack of chemistry between Curry and Matt Lauer.

I, for one, have always found Curry to be a bit too earnest in some of her interviews (and like, borderline aggro when she talks to the likes of Brangelina about their charitable work), but, y’ know, also quite jovial. I do find her to be more of a supporting player, in a way, and wish shed whoop it up a bit more frequently, but to sack her seems a bit...rushed. They really should let her mature her style and let viewers learn to appreciate it.

Then again, television is not a patient beast. Not anymore, and not these days, anyway.

Having said all of that, though, the show’s news anchor Natalie Morales could not have downplayed talk of comings and goings – Awkward Alert! Today third-hour-co-host Savannah Guthrie is widely speculated to be the frontrunner for Curry’s seat – any cooler (than a cucumber!) than she did when I asked her, back in April, about the rumor.

I guess we will see how this one shakes soon, huh. Bright and early.

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