Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wacky Confession Wednesday

"Fuck this, I'm way too annoyed at basketball to come up with something funny right now. I hope they all die."-Brought

I have an intense fear of needles, but I always participate in my company's blood drive. I sign up for it and immediately start to worry. I'll spend weeks on edge, snapping at my coworkers and calling them horrible names. When the day finally rolls around, I'll spend the entire time looking out the window, waiting for that damn blood mobile to come pulling into the parking lot. When it does, I totally lose my shit. I'll start throwing computer monitors off of desks, slapping women and raping men. Eventually I blackout, and when I wake up, they've taken two pints of my blood and I can't get an erection for three weeks. I guess that's the price you pay for good karma. -Gap

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