Thursday, March 8, 2012

Better Know a Meme: Kony 2012, Part 1

A few days ago, a group posted a video on YouTube highlighting the crimes of Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, seeking to start a campaign aimed at having him arrested by the end of 2012. Joseph Kony is most infamous for his use of child soldiers and child sex slaves, making him pretty much a huge dick. The video, called Kony 2012, went viral almost immediately, getting 2 million hits in 24 hours, as all the hipsters on Reddit and pretend social activists on Facebook starting posting the video. The video represents all that is wrong with these online social activists: none of these idiots knew who Joseph Kony was a day before, they still can't find Uganda on a map, and they actually think they can have an impact on world affairs because they post a video on their Facebook wall. Hey morons, if it were this easy to topple a warlord, someone would have done it by now. Moreover, you are the same people condemning the US's military intervention to topple the criminal regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. How else do you think Kony is going to be brought to justice? You think Kony is going to watch the video and turn himself in? Oh I know, start an Occupy Kampala campaign . Maybe there is some park you can camp out in, I mean that was so effective here in the United States.

Well, fortunately this movement became so over the top ridiculous that there is a backlash now on Imgur (and probably 4chan too but every time I go there I end up getting distracted by porn), and Kony 2012 has now been turned into a meme. This posts highlights that backlash, and Part 2 will highlight the even better iteration of this meme, as the trolls have also flocked to join in on the fray.

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